According to the National Highway Safety Administration, in 2014 approximately 3,903 people were killed and an estimated 110,000 people were injured in accidents involving large trucks. Many of these incidents occurred during the holiday season, a time when big rigs fill the roads. There are a number of reasons why the holidays can bring about such disastrous conditions for traveling on the roads. Consider the following:
More Trucks on the Roads. The holiday season requires retail stores to be fully stocked with goods in order to meet the demand of holiday shoppers. Consequently, short-haul and long-haul truckers become especially busy during the holiday season in order to service the demands of retailers. Truckers are forced to put in longer hours and meet tough deadlines, which can take a toll on their well-being and general alertness.
More people shop online now than ever and these customers expect their packages to show up on time. Major online retailers such as Amazon and eBay rely on logistics to make their money and ensure high customer retention rates. As a result, FedEx, UPS, and USPS drivers are bombarded with a number of packages to deliver on a daily basis and must meet strict deadlines to ensure timely delivery.
More Drivers on the Roads. In addition to an increase of trucks on the roads, the holidays bring about a significant increase in drivers on the roads. Friends and family visit from out of town. People drive to local malls or retail stores to shop for the holiday sales. Seasonal workers commute to the malls to work. Students are off school for winter break. Uber and Lyft drivers whiz around picking up passengers at all hours of the day. With more holiday parties, there tend to be more impaired drivers on the roads as well.
Increased Stress Levels. In addition to truckers, commuters are faced with holiday stresses of balancing work and life obligations. Office workers have deadlines to meet before the year comes to a close. Procrastinators scatter about retail stores looking for last minute gifts. People just want to get home from work and spend time with their family. With more drivers on the roads there will naturally be more traffic. No one likes sitting in traffic, and this hate for traffic can manifest into road rage. Cutting off a tractor-trailer on a highway can prove to be fatal and it is critical that everyone on the road drive safely.
Large commercial trucks, semis, tractor-trailers, and tanker trucks all have the potential of causing serious injuries when they are involved in a collision. In some instances, these injuries can be lifelong and have a detrimental impact on an individual’s quality of life.
Call a Houston Truck Accident Attorney Today
If you or a family member has been involved in an accident with a large commercial truck or 18-wheeler, don’t panic. Stewart J. Guss, Attorney At Law is a seasoned personal injury lawyer and has successfully represented a number of victims involved in truck accidents. Please call today at 281-954-3799 to discuss your claim.